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Potatoes: Far More Than Just Starches and Carbs

By | Vegetables | No Comments

Regular white potatoes are one of the most controversial vegetables from a health perspective. Like many nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers, potatoes are often associated with adverse reactions and can be difficult to find in high-quality form. That they’re the main ingredient in countless junk food products, such as French fries, doesn’t exactly bolster their public reputation either. In reality, however, organic potatoes grown in good soil and prepared properly (i.e. boiled…

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Maca Root Can Increase Libido and Help Treat Sexual Dysfunction

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Few foods can beat maca root when it comes to improving stamina and physical performance. In fact, this nutritious tuber, which is native to the Andes of South America, was the Incas’ primary source of energy, and it remains a popular natural alternative to anabolic steroids among many of today’s athletes. Studies have also shown that maca root can help rebalance hormones, decrease total cholesterol, and treat constipation. It is even a rare example of…

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Five Amazing Non-Dietary Uses for Baking Soda

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It’s difficult to find a food product more versatile than baking soda. This white soluble compound, which is also called sodium bicarbonate, has been used for centuries – even as far back as ancient Egypt – as a natural cleaning agent and preservative. In 1843, when the British chemist Alfred Bird created commercial baking soda, the compound gained further popularity as a quick-acting leavener of baked goods. Today, baking soda can be found in almost…

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Five Weeds That Make Better Medicines Than Any Pharmaceutical Drugs

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Most people will agree that weeds can cause a large amount of damage in the garden. For example, invasive weeds like Johnson grass and cogongrass expand rapidly and choke other low-growing flora. Parasitical weeds that depend upon a host for sustenance, such as dodders and witchweed, are even more destructive. Then, of course, there are the noxious weeds, such as poison ivy and poison sumac, which contribute to little except worry amongst parents with small…

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Three Superfoods That Help Prevent Cognitive Decline

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People have long believed that cognitive decline is an inherent and inevitable symptom of aging. In reality, however, most age-related mental conditions – from minor irritations like forgetfulness to serious neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia – are the product of toxic environments, unhealthy lifestyles, and poor nutrition. For this reason, there are many things that individuals of all ages can do to prevent age-related cognitive decline, including getting enough sleep and exercise, and optimizing…

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