
Ayurvedic Medicine | Spiritfoods

A List of Foods Rich in Vitamin C: From Kakadu Plums to Acerola Cherries

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Few nutrients are held to such high regard in the West as vitamin C. This essential antioxidant, which is commonly called the “anti-aging” vitamin, performs a large number of important roles in our bodies, from scavenging free radicals, aiding collagen production, healing wounds, and more. Despite its biological importance, however, our bodies cannot store it like most other vitamins. This means that we must consume vitamin C-rich foods on a daily basis in order to…

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Hemp Seeds: Excellent Sources of Fatty Acids, Protein, and Fiber

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Few plants have been as revered throughout recorded history as hemp. This green herbaceous plant, which is a high-growing variety of Cannabis sativa, has been cultivated for centuries to make durable clothing fibers, nutritious oils, building material, and even paper. Traditional medicine, particularly ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, also prized the plant for its significant medicinal properties. Since hemp does not contain large amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the mind-altering ingredient found in regular marijuana, hemp…

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Studies Show That Oil Pulling Can Kill Harmful Bacteria in the Mouth

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Oil pulling is a process of swishing an edible oil around the mouth for between 10 and 20 minutes, ideally upon awakening, for detoxification purposes. Its origins lie in the Ayurveda, the ancient healing system of India, and countless people from all backgrounds swear by it. In fact, if one believes the online reports written by those with first-hand experience of oil pulling, there doesn’t seem to be any condition that it can’t at least…

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Three Superfoods That Help Prevent Cognitive Decline

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People have long believed that cognitive decline is an inherent and inevitable symptom of aging. In reality, however, most age-related mental conditions – from minor irritations like forgetfulness to serious neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia – are the product of toxic environments, unhealthy lifestyles, and poor nutrition. For this reason, there are many things that individuals of all ages can do to prevent age-related cognitive decline, including getting enough sleep and exercise, and optimizing…

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Study Finds That Moringa Oleifera Is a Potent Anti-Inflammatory

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Moringa oleifera, also called the drumstick tree and the horseradish tree, is a drought-resistant tree that grows in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains in northern India. It is also cultivated throughout Africa and Central and South America, where it is treasured for its significant medicinal value. In fact, moringa is nicknamed “The Tree of Immortality” and “The Miracle Tree” in its native lands due to its remarkable healing properties and its ability to grow…

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