
Nutrient Profiles

The Roles of Protein in the Body: Building Cells, Fighting Disease

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Proteins are large, complex molecules constructed from a set of 20 amino acids, of which eight must be obtained through diet and are not produced naturally by the body. Each protein’s specific function is determined by its amino acid arrangement, and these arrangements can vary considerably. While most people understand that protein plays a role in the growth and repair of cells, in reality it performs far more functions. This article contains a distillation of…

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The Roles of Iron in the Body: Forming Hemoglobin, Boosting Energy

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Iron is a chemical element that is silver-white in pure form, but rusts easily. It is found in all living organisms, and while it is perhaps best known for its role in hemoglobin formation, iron plays extremely important roles in numerous other biological processes. This article contains a list of iron’s principle functions in the human body, and ends with a guide to our recommended daily intake. What Iron Does for Us Forms hemoglobin –…

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The Roles of Calcium in the Body: Building Strong Bones and Teeth

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Calcium is the most abundant element by mass in many animals, and the fifth most abundant element by mass in humans. Indeed, calcium forms two percent of a human adult’s body weight; most of this calcium is found in the skeleton and the teeth, although some is also stored in the tissues and blood. While most people understand on some level that calcium plays an important role in bone and tooth health, in reality it…

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