
Natural Medicine | Spiritfoods

Three Effective Home Remedies for Sore Throats

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A sore throat, or inflammation of the pharynx and fauces, is a common medical condition that affects most people at some point in their lives. It is usually a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection, such as the common cold, though some cases can be caused by a swollen tonsil or enlarged glands in the neck. Most sore throat infections are not serious and usually pass without a need for medical aid. However, the…

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Three Herbs That Boost Our Immune System and Guard Us from Infection

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The human immune system is a remarkable network of biological structures and processes. When functioning properly, it has the ability to remember diseases that it has previously encountered for more efficient removal, trigger immediate responses to emergencies through its advanced communication systems, and much more. Despite its sophistication, however, the immune system is notoriously fragile, and even the healthiest of us can suffer from compromised immunity from time to time. During these difficult periods, when…

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Three Foods That Help Treat Acid Reflux

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Acid reflux is a common medical condition in which digestive acids rise from the stomach into the esophagus. This causes the esophagus (the passage between the pharynx and the stomach) to become irritated, resulting in a burning sensation which, in the most acute cases, can last for up to 48 hours. While acid reflux is rarely a serious issue, it is always an unpleasant one and can ruin the lives of people who suffer from…

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Three Herbs That Can Improve Memory and Boost Brain Function

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Memory loss and other cognitive conditions are issues that a large number of people start to worry about as they age. A lot of us are conditioned by the media to believe that these problems are natural and inevitable consequences of aging, something that happens to us regardless of how well we look after ourselves. Of course, this is not true. Our brains are capable of creating new brain cells at any given age, and…

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Four Herbs with Natural Painkilling Properties

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Tens of millions of people around the world live with acute or chronic pain, and their desperate attempts to alleviate it has made prescription painkillers a billion dollar industry. Unfortunately, prescription painkillers often contribute to more problems than they cure. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control, painkillers such as oxycodone and methadone are the leading causes of overdose deaths in the United States today. Fortunately, nature has provided us with numerous herbs…

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