
Cancer Fighters | Spiritfoods

Yacon Root

Yacon Root: A Tuber That Manages Weight and Blood Sugar

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Yacon, also called the Peruvian ground apple, is a species of daisy native to the Andes mountain range of South America. With its bright yellow flowers and ability to grow to over two meters in height, yacon is certainly a striking plant, and bears more than a passing resemblance to the sunflower to which it is closely related. Unlike the sunflower, however, the yacon grows large, tuberous roots that can be eaten raw like a…

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Cucumbers: Watery Fruits with Proven Anti-Cancer Properties

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Cucumbers seem to have a mixed reputation in the natural health world. A lot of people assume that these cylindrical green fruits, which originated from southern Asia but are now cultivated worldwide, are lacking in the nutrition department because they are comprised of approximately 96 percent water. While it is true that cucumbers contain fewer vitamins and minerals than most other fruits and vegetables, they do possess other properties that make them a worthwhile addition…

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Three Medicinal Mushrooms with Proven Disease-Fighting Properties

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The world’s greatest healing systems have long revered the medicinal power of edible mushrooms. In ancient Chinese and Indian medicine, for instance, mushrooms were often prescribed to individuals suffering from a wide range of conditions ranging from fatigue to serious degenerative diseases. In Europe, too, mushrooms were beloved for their significant healing properties, which were often attributed to their dense concentrations of essential nutrients. As drug-based medicine continued to soar in popularity in the twentieth…

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Mustard Seeds: Treatment for Cancer, Inflammation, and More

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The seeds of the mustard plant have enjoyed a close connection with human civilizations since time immemorial. The Ancient Greeks and Romans would regularly use them for cooking, and they have been a staple in Indian cuisine for centuries. These robust, spicy-smelling seeds were even mentioned in the New Testament of the Bible in the “Parable of the Mustard Seed,” in which Jesus emphasized that the Kingdom of Heaven could grow from humble beginnings. The…

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Cabbage: Natural Medicine for Cancer and Diabetes

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The robust and abundant cabbage, which is closely related to other leafy green vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, has a long history as both a food and medicine. For example, the Ancient Greeks would routinely prescribe cabbage or cabbage juice to treat constipation or mushroom poisoning, while the Ancient Egyptians consumed cabbage before meals to lower the intoxicating effects of wine. The British even brought cabbage to the trenches of World War I, since its…

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