
Algae | Spiritfoods

A List of Foods Rich in Iron: From Chlorella to Goji Berries

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The important trace mineral, iron, performs a large number of roles in our bodies. It helps form hemoglobin in our red blood cells, boosts our immunity, maintains brain and endocrine function, and more. In fact, iron plays a small role in most biological functions, and no living organism can survive without it. Despite widespread understanding of its importance, however, iron remains the most common nutritional deficiency in the United States and the nation’s leading cause…

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A List of Foods Rich in Vitamin A: From Sweet Potatoes to Carrots

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Vitamin A is the name given to a group of fat-soluble antioxidant compounds. It is considered an essential vitamin, and performs a large number of roles in our bodies including maintaining vision, supporting the immune system, and aiding gene transcription. Unfortunately, vitamin A deficiencies are becoming increasingly common worldwide. These deficiencies, which can result in deteriorating eyesight, rough skin, and greater susceptibility to disease, are almost always caused by poor diet. Therefore, the best way…

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Researchers Find That Spirulina Can Help Treat Pancreatic Cancer

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Along with the single-celled green algae chlorella, spirulina is one of the most widely-studied foods on the planet. In fact, studies in the last decade alone have shown that the regular consumption of spirulina can enhance brain function, improve white blood cell count, stimulate antibodies, boost liver health, and more. Spirulina can also help remedy almost any nutrient deficiency due to its incomparable concentrations of vitamins and minerals. A study published in the March-April 2014…

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Spirulina: The Perfect Green Food

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Spirulina is a type of green algae that grows in fresh water bodies. It is a survivor plant which, unlike most flora, is able to withstand considerable temperature variations and still thrive. It is cultivated worldwide and has been harvested as a food source for thousands of years. According to David Wolfe, author of the excellent book, Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future, spirulina is one of the most nutritious foods in the…

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Chlorella: The Disease-Fighting Algae

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Chlorella is a single-celled, green algae that grows in the sunniest parts of freshwater bodies. According to Dr. Beth M. Ley, author of the book Chlorella: The Ultimate Green Food, it is one of the Earth’s oldest living organisms, and has been harvested as a food source for thousands of years. However, a true understanding of chlorella’s nutritional value only emerged in the 20th century, when Western scientists began to study its chemical composition. By…

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