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Himalayan Salt: Mineralizing and Detoxifying the Body

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Salt is an essential nutrient that our bodies require for transporting nutrients into and out of our cells, regulating blood pressure, exchanging ions, and much more. However, not all salts are equal. Table salt, which has been stripped of all its minerals except sodium and chloride, for instance, will not have the same positive biological impact upon our bodies as pure, unrefined salt that boasts a robust mineral profile. One of the most nutritious and…

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A Peptide Found in Egg Whites Can Lower Blood Pressure

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Considering that eggs contain all the nutrients needed to develop healthy chicks, it is unsurprising that studies into their numerous health benefits for humans abound. Eating more eggs has, for instance, been repeatedly linked to reduced LDL cholesterol, a lowered risk of macular degeneration, and improved cognitive and nervous system function. Scientists based at Clemson University in South Carolina, however, have discovered another good reason to add more eggs to our diets – a peptide…

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Eating Fruits and Vegetables Improves Optimism

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Everyone knows that the regular consumption of organic fruits and vegetables leads to superior health, but a study conducted by scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health has discovered yet another reason to favor a diet of natural foods: Individuals who consume antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables on a regular basis are also more optimistic about the future. The study assessed the blood concentrations of nine antioxidants – including carotenoids, which are a class of antioxidants…

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Five Herbal Teas and the Conditions They Can Help Treat

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Herbal teas have been treasured for their tastes and healing properties by virtually all civilizations on Earth since prehistoric times. Rich in antioxidants, full in flavor, and free from undesirable ingredients, you’re seldom likely to find a natural health expert who doesn’t recommended them. However, the herbal tea market is undeniably saturated, and new buyers often don’t know which teas are the best for their individual needs. So, let’s take a closer look at the…

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Beetroot Juice Can Lower Blood Pressure

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Beetroots have long been treasured by health enthusiasts for their sweet taste, distinctive appearance, and nutritional value. Rich in trace minerals, high in dietary fiber, and bursting with antioxidants, they have been linked to lowered cholesterol, blood sugar control, and even treatment for dementia. According to a recent study by researchers at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia, though, beetroot juice can also lower blood pressure at a dramatic speed. 15 male…

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