Five Signs of a Magnesium Deficiency

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Magnesium is an essential macromineral that performs a huge number of important roles in the body. It is responsible for regulating enzyme reactions (including reactions that create RDN and DNA), transporting essential ions across our cell membranes, assisting in the production of ATP, and much more. All of our major organs require magnesium to function properly, and without it our bodies would spiral out of control. Despite its biological importance, however, the average person is…

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Study Finds That Oil Pulling Can Treat Bad Breath

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Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil around the mouth for between 15 and 20 minutes to kill harmful oral bacteria. Despite being a popular folk remedy in its native India, oil pulling only became known in the West when a Ukrainian oncologist named F. Karach began promoting it in the early 1990s. Today, entire books have been written about oil pulling and the online health world is ablaze with testimonies…

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Three Proven Ways to Lose Belly Fat

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Everyone knows that being overweight can increase our risk of serious health problems. However, most people don’t realize that not all fat distribution is equal. Accumulating fat under our arms and thighs, for instance, is more of a cosmetic concern than a cause for significant medical alarm. Yes, we are better off without it and should endeavor to remove it, but fat in these areas is more likely to make us feel bloated rather than…

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Four Ways Wheat Is Proven to Destroy Our Health

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The general consensus among medical professionals is that whole grains are an essential component of our diet. After all, everyone knows that grain products comprise the entire base of the United States Department of Agriculture’s official food pyramid, and that adults should consume between 6 and 11 servings of grains per day for optimum health. Surely a food group that is promoted so widely, and is held in such regard by experts, couldn’t be bad…

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Three Artificial Chemicals That Are Making Us Fat

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In 2006, Felix Grun and Bruce Blumberg, two developmental biologists at the University of California, Irvine, published a research paper about artificial chemicals known to contribute towards obesity. These chemicals, which the researchers named “obesogens,” are foreign compounds that compromise the balance and development of lipid metabolism, often by disrupting endocrine function. Since 2006, peer-reviewed studies have identified approximately 20 substances as obesogens. Worse still, at least three of these substances are commonly found in…

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